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Guide: Baby fish toy 3D sculpted in Meshmixer. We have great footage of the object being used as a bath/pool toy. However, please be aware that mold can quickly develop on the models if not dried properly. Therefore, for use in the bath or pool, this model needed to be created using a different process, such as injection molding and using different anti-mold materials.
Wood. Printed well in wood filament Fillamentum Timberfill review with 0.6 mm Nozzle on Neptune 3 Plus FDM printer review.
Resin. Printed well in resin on Anycubic Mono X printer review.
Blocky. Blocky Baby Fish is the most recent model created using the technique explained in Andrew Sink's tutorial.
Our 3D print cost calculator estimates that this 3D print job would cost $2.30, depending on the selected material and other parameters.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.