When I tried to use the original I kept breaking the retention tabs. I wanted something I knew would make a good seal and wouldn't break.
I decided to make this bracket take a 40mm NATO connection as Amazon carried a NATO to 3M 701 adapter (picture attached, search “3M 701 Cartridge/Filter Adapter”).
Now I have no issues at all with how tight the twist-seal is, and I have no issues pulling filters off once my print is done and the air has been scrubbed. This way I can place the filters in an air tight bag to make them last longer.
Note: In picture I use 3 of these together at the same time, this is probably overkill. You can probably use just 1 or 2 if you are patient enough to let the filter clean the air for a little while after your print finishes. With my setup I can open the door on the enclosure after 5 minutes and have 0 smell from Polymaker ASA, your milage may vary by filament type filter etc. Personally I use 3M 60926 filters.
The author remixed this model.