You will need superglue, weight (preferably lead or play doh) and optionaly rubber bans and wire.
Everythig is glued together with superglue but you can use ruber bands to secure wing and tail surfaces. This can be done by glueing wire ( or anything with diametr around 1,5mm) to positions marked at the drawings.
Recessed surfaces in parts fuelsage front and weight cover can be cut out using soldering iron. Take care not to deform them.
Wing adapters should be printerd with least amount of material posible. Take care not to bend them.
Wing spars could be printed with less material but I did not test it.
I hawe found with my (admittedly short) testing that CG should be 1 - 1,5 cm before back spar.
If your slicer is douing somethig like this incerase dimensiton on sketch 33 for fuelsage front, sketch 54+55 for fuelsage middle, sketch 59 for fuelsage back and 73 for tail.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.