So this is another variation in the Key to Hamunaptra models I was making a few months back. Unlike the Non-Twist key model I posted this is 200% scale to what the movie had. If you want something more movie like please see my other post. This key also doesn't have the art from the movie and operates differently then it's movie counterpart though this one does twist to open.
Print at 0.2 Quality settings in Prusa slicer. All parts are pre-orientated for best result.
Twisting action like the movie to operate the internal trigger to de-latch the box lid using a ramp style push mechanism. The lid is held in place by 2 magnets 14.9x1.4mm in size that you will need to source.
The text on the side of the box is quite special as it is the full text from the actual Egyptian Book of the Dead for the Horudja Spell. Included in this upload is a translated text for this Shabti spell. Both the upper and lower parts of the rings are labeled to where they need to align and to where on the body of the box so the spell is oriented correctly to itself.
Assembly 1.jpg - This is an overview of how the container goes together.
Assembly 2.jpg - Specific to how the text and rings go together. Top A to Top B, Bottom A to Bottom B.
Assembly 3.jpg - The hinge has a upper and lower part. This lower part is held in place with 2 pins. Seat the pins in the bottom leaf but don't push them through. Seat the leaf into the hinge. Push the pins snug into the hinge. I just friction fit them with no glue.
Assembly 4.jpg - The primary upper leaf has a second part which needs to be glued to it's backside. One of the magnets goes into this spot.
Assembly 5.jpg - The whole hinge setup once built is held in place with the 8 edge pins.
I highly recommend to glue the upper leaves last. With the rest of the body together dry fit them first so you can see how they go together. Starting at the 1 prime piece going clockwise they go in order as they are numbered.
Any issues or questions pleases feel free to drop me a message.