Toothbrush timer (Arduino Nano + OLED display SSD1306)

Timer to help your kids brush their teeth properly
updated March 19, 2023



Timer to help your kids brush their teeth properly. 2 minutes in total. Shows which part of the mouth to focus on and displays a smiley face when finished.

Hardware required

  • Arduino Nano (or its clone, works both on ATmega168 and ATmega328)
  • SSD1306 0,96'' OLED display
  • 2x 10kΩ resistor (when using ATmega168)
  • 9V battery connector + 9V battery
  • mini toggle switch (on/off)
  • a few wires to connect everything

Arduino source code


Basically, connect:

  • Arduino A4 to SDA display input
  • Arduino A5 to SCL display input
  • Arduino GND to display GND
  • Arduino 5V to VCC display input

With ATmega 168 based Arduino Nano you will most probably need a pull-up resistor on SCL & SDA inputs of your OLED screen. Just connect them to proper A4/A5 output ports of your Arduino board and also connect them through 10kΩ resistor to 5V output of your board

Connect 9V battery:

  • (+) to one of the switch ports
    • connect the second port of the switch to VIN in the Arduino board
  • (-) to GND in the Arduino board

Print instructions

Prints well with PLA, 0.2mm layer. Use supports (you can add it everywhere, it's easy to remove them after printing).


  • 9V battery goes to the right side of the case
  • Arduino nano goes to the left side of the case
  • switch goes to the back of the case
  • Display slides into the socket in front
  • Lid snaps into the latch on top
  • Ready!



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
