I love things from the early years of moving pictures -- things like zoetropes, mutascopes, phenakistoscopes, and the like. So when this contest came around, I thought, “what is something that rotates…?” and a zoetrope came immediately to mind!
To use the Zoetrope, print out the zoetropeon45frames.pdf, and cut out the animation you want to use. There are two photo animations, and one blank for you to draw your own. Place the paper in the base of the zoetrope as seen in the pictures. Then put it on your turntable, turn it to the highest speed you can, and look through the slits from the side – you should see an animation!
See this video for an example:
Nothing special at all. As long as your prints aren't super-stringy, it's a dead easy print. No supports or raft needed.
NOTE 1: I supplied two sizes, smaller and larger. The smaller one is made to the official dimensions of a 45 insert, but still doesn't fit on my turntable. But, I have to force normal 12" vinyl onto the spindle of the turntable, so that tells me that my turntable spindle might not be the correct size (though I can't imagine how that happened!). So I made a larger one that does fit on my turntable.
I expect that many of you will not need the larger one, but please let me know how it goes for you so I can tweak the model a little bit if needed.
NOTE 2: The animation isn't great, because 45 rpm is a little slow for a zoetrope. But it still works, and it's fun and easy to print! :) If you have an old stereo that does 78 speed, try it with that and see what you get! :)
The author marked this model as their own original creation.