Sideways mounted, needs a lot of supports and conflicts with Satsana shroud, holes do not fit stock washers, won't be using.

Sideways mounted, needs a lot of supports and conflicts with Satsana shroud, holes do not fit stock washers, won't be using.
Thank you, I had to file where the cushion rests because it touched and didn't turn well ...
I'm experiencing some issues with wobbles - all of the eccentric mounts are tightened and the rail pulley is set. Did I miss something?
Printed for a moded ender 3 pro in PLA+ but it did'nt resit the temperature of the enclosure so I print it in ABS.
It fit very well
turned out nice but i made a big mistake apparently it doesnt fit on v2 neo so i just wasted 5h lol. but everything fitted but not the bowden tube because its an v2 neo.
Printed in ABS, second photo is printing in black PETG...
Stepped up my TPU game and allowed faster print times!
I downloaded this and used 3 m5 washers inside each 3 wheel barings to keep it all even and it works really well. Thanks
i put this on my ender 3 pro and the wheels wont turn now. am i doing something wrong? i used my solder gun to press the metal inserts in the holes. any help would be greatly appreciated thanks
@DerickLong_1213118 I Derick. You shouldn't have needed to hot press the metal inserts. The cleareance should have been enough for the inserts to go just with some pressing force. Anyway, just make sure that the wheels are not grabbing the wall of the plastic part. Maybe try to file or sand a little the part so that the wheels can rotate freely.
@JoaoMRQ_658286 i ended up taking 3 m5 washers on the inner parts of the wheels so it was even and works great. thanks again for the files. my direct drive set up works really well.
Printed in PLA for my second Ender 3. Wanted to convert to direct drive since TPU was being problematic with a Bowden tube.
@thedude386 That looks very nice. Have you managed to print TPU with that setup?
@JoaoMRQ_658286 I have and it works well, however I haven't used TPU for a while now. This printer recently had a bad clog with PLA and even after changing out the melted section of tubing and the nozzle, it hasn't printed the same since.