I modified the Pruament adapters to address an often requested adapter for the newer Atomic Filament spools. I first created a base cap and a ring ahead of putting everything together and my spools were too tight to fit both. I'm going ahead and adding both to this remix, just for completeness and perhaps might prove useful for other mounts, but for the RepWinder stock mounts, all you should need is the base cap and NOT the ring.
When you go to install them, if they don't fit, just turn them 1 notch and they should fit that way. The holes in the spool are not evenly sized with the non-hole space.
Standard RepWinder (or similar mounting)
Modified RepWinder made slightly wider can benefit from both
3MF included to print two pair in PETG if you prefer a packaged 3MF instead of importing the STL's yourself.
The author remixed this model.