Name in blade just incase a visitor questions why you have a knife by your toilet.
updated March 5, 2023



When I came across Matthew Fords award winning “Poop Knife” it brought back fond memories of my child hood. Many-a-times had I wished for a specific tool for helping out in these times of need. If I had one of these 40+ years ago, my mother would not have had to replace so many wooden spoons. In this remix I just wanted my visitors to understand why there was a knife placed next to the toilet and be confident that should the need arise there is indeed help. I know from personal experience how embarrassing it is to ask your in-laws if they have a wooden spoon only to return back to the bathroom with it in hand. 

*** I could not post my .gcode. I scaled mine to 160% and turned it 45deg to fit my 220x220 sized bed. The bigger the print, the girth'ier situations you can handle!!!"

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Poop Knife
by Matthew Forde
Original model was switched to draft or deleted
