3D Printable Claw Using 9g Servo
updated March 4, 2023




I wanted to make a claw using this model and I learned it was made originally for a laser cutter. I have spent many hours perfecting this for a 3D printing. 

What is needed?

You can either print the Claw.stl or print the following:

  • 4 Arms
  • 1 Connector
  • 1 Plate
  • 2 Grip
  • 1 Right Gear
  • 1 Rotate Plate
  • 1 Left Gear


You will need the following:

  • 2 9g Servos
  • 2 Servo Horns
  • 6 Servo Screws
  • 7 Screws I have used Self-tapping screws but I'm working on making it so you can use machine screws as I'm adding threads inside of the models.

Controlling the Claw

I used A microbit, Crickit with a breadboard and a potentiometer to control the claw. But depending on resources you could use anything as long as you control the servos of course. 

Building the Claw

I Have created a Step by step guide which is all the way at the bottom of the Files tab. I also have attached a google slides link.

Servo Arm

I have also created an arm using servos which you can attach this claw to it. More information here.

Print Settings

Printer: AnkerMake M5

Filament: 3D Universe PLA Light Green

Infil: 20%

Supports: No

Resolution: 0.2 recommended


Send me a message or comment and I will do my best to respond!

Model origin

The author remixed this model.

Mini servo gripper
by jjshortcut (thingiverse.com)


Highlighted models from creator

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