Nozzle scrubber for Voron Trident - fits left side

There are several designs of nozzle scrubbers, but this one fits the Trident on the left side with simple bracket.
updated April 27, 2023



There are several designs for nozzle scrubbers but this is compact and fits on the left side, opposite the Z end stop.  My print bed thermal fuse is mounted on the right side of the bed, so I could not use the extension arm by 3DP-MAMSIH.

The bucket is a mirror image of the bucket by FunFunBoy.

It mounts under the Z rear support, on the side of the extension, and has space for the cable ties and print bed wires, so it is easy to retrofit to the printer.  Only hardware required is one M3x16 and one M3 tee nut (and four 6x3 magnets).  The tee nut only fits one way, check it in the part before inserting into the extrusion. It snaps into place with a little pressure, and holds the brush firmly.

I moved the brush 3 mm down and 3 mm closer to the print bed.  The brush is very close to the print bed and probably gets hot, but it seems to be holding up ok.  Moving the brush closer to the print bed gives a little more y movement over the brush.  The brush is lower to avoid rubbing against the inductive probe, but that depends on the nozzle height, so it should be checked.

I used the brush from Amazon per this post by esb :

This brush fits perfectly: 

This design has to work around a lot of obstacles, so supports are needed.  The PrusaSlicer organic supports available in version 2.6 are perfect for this application.

I made a macro called clean_nozzle.cfg that is only run once, after the bed and extruder are at temperature, and just prior to the last G28 homing before printing.  I didn't like some other macros that go back and forth quickly, and may wear out the nozzle.  This macro is just to get the dribble off the nozzle, goes reasonably slowly in one direction in x, then turns to go a little distance in y to clean around the nozzle.   Note that the brush is on the left side, and the bucket is even further to the left, so the movement in x direction is reversed from FunFunBoy's macro.

# from
# by FunFunBoy
# change wipe direction to -x, add -y, and only wipe once

[gcode_macro CLEAN_NOZZLE]
variable_start_x: 47
variable_start_y: 250
variable_start_z: 1
variable_wipe_dist_x: 30
variable_wipe_dist_y: -10
variable_wipe_spd: 50
variable_raise_distance: 30

{% if "xyz" not in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %}
{% endif %}

G90                                            ; absolute positioning
## Move nozzle to start position
G1 X{start_x} Y{start_y} F6000
G1 Z{start_z} F1500

# single wipe with dog leg in y direction
G1 X{start_x + wipe_dist_x} F{wipe_spd * 60}
G1 Y{start_y + wipe_dist_y} F{wipe_spd * 60}

## Raise nozzle
G1 Z{raise_distance}




Model origin

The author remixed this model.
