With thanks to BaldGuyDIY and MakeWithTech on youtube for the tutorials, and of course the amazing folks behind OpenSCAD.
I needed a case to protect Cisco Duo keyfobs for my employer, but there was nothing available that I could find. I used tutorials from the above mentioned people on Youtube to design this box with a window suitable for the task. This is a bulky industrial case that is going to be used around industrial equipment. It probably won't protect against being run over by a forklift, but my goal was to protect it from being dropped and stepped on and stuffed in a pocket. The forklift guy might get a case with 8mm walls if he breaks his. You will notice that in one picture the cover is over the button. I would retake it but the screws were already in. Rotating the cover 180 degrees will have the button and display centered again.
The OpenSCAD file is parametric so you can change it to fit whatever keyfob you desire. You may wish to reduce the number of facets ($fn=50) variable while you are tweaking until you are ready to produce the 3d prints then render it with greater resolution.
I printed this in Amazon Basics TPU. If you wish to add text to the top cover as I did, you may wish to switch to PETG instead of another color of TPU for the lettering. I had the best luck with 2mm tall text. If you find a way to use ironing on the top layer of TPU I'd love to hear about it, my results were less than ideal.
I welcome your feedback.
If you reproduce and sell this model, please donate some amount to Ukraine, the ACLU, the ADL, or another worthy charity. Thank you!
The author marked this model as their own original creation.