Hemera Revo XS Part Cooling Fan Tilted Duct for E3D Toolchanger

Prevents the part cooling fan from stalling when mounted against the Hemera stepper motor.
updated February 7, 2023



The E3D Toolchanger tools are a challenging design due to the size, weight, and location constraints of the tool.  For Hemera direct drive hotends, there is very little space for the part cooling fan, and most designs require the 40X40X10mm blower to be mounted against the Hemera stepper motor.  Fortunately, with the advent of the new “Revo XS” smaller version of the Hemera, we gain a bit of space to either side of the shorter Hemera design.  

The part cooling fan duct designed by Chrissels also places the fan against the stepper.  Many have found that the Winnsin fans will stall when mounted this way.  One solution on various forums is to insert a steel washer against the end of the stepper to diffuse the magnetic field of the stepper which interferes with the fan.

I tried this, and it does help some, but at the expense of another several grams of tool weight, along with a weak spinning fan.

My solution was to use some of the extra room to move the fan away from the stepper.  I sliced up Chrissels' design and canted the fan mount by 12 degrees.  This moves the fan sufficiently to allow it to spin at near to the unhindered fan speed.  The end of the fan sticks out an additional 11mm from the flush mounted design, and it clears an adjacent Hemera Revo XS tool by about 7mm.

Note that this design should work with the non-Revo regular Hemera XS, but I am using the Revo version and have not tested it.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
