I present my first RC Boat. A super fun and easy to improve model. I hope you have fun!
updated February 1, 2023



Nice little boat to print but i had problems getting things to fit and work properly. It decided to weld parts together so gave up on it for now.

can anyone help me design a motor mount to fit a smaller brushless motor? if so i will shoot you the measurements

Buongiorno ho deciso di costruire il tuo modello che mi sembra facile. Ti chiedo gentilmente se hai fatto degli aggiornamenti, inoltre potresti indicare il motore ed il servo da comprare. Ti ringrazio in anticipo. Cordiali Saluti.

Hi 3DimensionsYT
How is part #9 (Motor Transmission Joint) attached to the motor?

Cool small jetboat. Just finished getting it ready for water. Did a quick water test to make sure everything was good. Will put a few battery packs through it this weekend! Thank you

@g_noto86 Hello how long does the battery last as seen in your photo?

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