Inspiration was taken from the link attached. The plate has two options depending on what thickness of material you are clamping onto. This will be a universal mount option for DCS controls eventually. This is the starting mount to attach a 1/2" sch 40 PVC pipe vertically and then have a horizontal mount off of that for a side control panel. The pipe clamp is designed to work with #8 machine screws, the hex cutout will fit a standard #8 nut. A 3/4" length is enough to grab the threads, but a 7/8" screw may be preferred.
I also attached the .3dm files as a zipped file in “other files”.
This will eventually be able to work with designs for 3D printed controls.
** I have attached a new clamp for ¾" pipe with all other dimensions the same.
*Print Notes*
I did a 0.16 layer height with 30% infil on the clamp for extra clamping support with PLA.
The author remixed this model.
I have modified the original ½" pipe clamp and added a file for a ¾" pipe clamp as well.