The Gira 115703 interior plaster outdoor power socket is the most frequently installed power socket for outdoor use by electrical contractors. However, it is also the outdoor power socket for which the cover breaks off most frequently: Material no.: 00.003187
If you now complain about the outdoor power socket to the specialist electrical company, you will either get a new cover or a new Gira 115703 outdoor power socket. You can guess what happens after a short time: the cover breaks off again. This goes on until the warranty expires and you're left with a broken outdoor power socket.
Don't worry, we have a 3D printer. I have designed a lid for the complete outdoor power socket. Print it out in PET-G and paint the outside and inside of the lid with clear plastic primer.
However, I do not guarantee that it will work for you. It works fine for me.
Material manufacturer: Prusa Research
Material: PET-G
Colour: Galaxy Black
Layer height: 0.2 mm
Filling: 100%
Supports: none
Have fun and don't get angry.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.