Origin of model is by “Tazmaker” from cults3d. Had an issue with the model in that the original .3mf file was unopenable with “Error (Invalid 3MF format) while parsing '3D/3dmodel.model' at line 3188”.
I converted the 3mf files to stl, this then made them all openable with the Pursa slicer. But there was some changes I wanted to make. So using tinkercad, I split apart the red & blue sections of the model using the black section as a “hole”. So I ended up with 3 separate files, one for the black, blue and red sections. There was also an odd high peak on one of the sections where a red part joined the black body, so I levelled that off so as to be a flat top all across the model.
Using the “Cut” feature in the Prusa slicer I was able to lower the height of the model. 5mm for the black and 3mm for the red & blue. Printing with a brim for bed adhesion and this then also aided when super gluing the model together.
The author remixed this model.