Remix of the Black Sheep - Toiled Paper to use much less material and can be printed without any supports
- 26.01.23 - Version V2: Single STL for small and big beds - use split to objects for small beds (<300mm)
- The body can be printed without any supports and much less material
- For 12cm diameter rolls (feel free to text me if any other diameter is wished =))
- Minor changes on the feet
- Head attachment a bit more “nice”
Two halves version (V1):
- If you have a hard time gluing the two halves together, print the body-enforcement.stl. Print one just for the back or two for the front and back
Print recommendations:
- no supports
- 0.2/0.3mm layer height
- 3 Walls/Perimeters
- 5 Bottom/Top Layers
- 18-20% Infill (Legs without infill)
- For multicolor head, change color on layer 16 and 21 (for 0.2 layers)
The author remixed this model.