Spud Bar or Ice Chisel Cover

A customizable (parametric) cover for a spud bar or ice chisel which is used to break ice when ice fishing.
updated February 1, 2023



A spud bar or ice chisel is commonly used in ice fishing to check the thickness (and therefore assess the safety) of the ice upon which one will be fishing. These devices, especially the full-sized versions) are quite heavy, and the chisel end (sharp end) can cause injuries or equipment damage. While most manufacturers include a cover, they are easily lost or broken. Here's a replacement.

I've included a “Retainer” which consists of a modeled nut and bolt that can be printed, as well. They are chunky and oversized to make them easier to grip with gloves on.

The file you'll find here was designed specifically to fit the spud bar that I happen to own. However, because there are many variations, I've included a “parametric” Fusion360 model. Check out this blog post for more information about Parametric modeling in Fusion360. Follow the directions below to make one that fits your chisel perfectly!


To customize this file to fit your spud bar or ice chisel, you'll need to record a few measurements:

  1. Width of your chisel (EdgeWidth)
  2. Diameter of the hole in your chisel, if applicable. (HoleDiameter)
  3. Distance from the edge of the chisel to the center of the hole. (HoleDistance)
  4. Distance from the edge of the chisel to the “shoulder”, or the point where the metal is flat. (AngleLength)
  5. Distance from the edge of the chisel to where you'd like the cover to end. (OverallLength)
  6. Thickness of the chisel. (Height)

Refer to the diagram below when making your measurements.

Open the SpudCover.f3d file in Fusion360 and select Change Parameters under the Modify menu. Enter the measurements you obtained above in the Parameters dialog box.

There is also a CoverThickness user parameter that you can experiment with. I've used 3mm and been happy with it. Theoretically, you should be able to make it as thick as you want since the “shell” in Fusion360 happens on the outside of your spud bar (based on the dimensions you enter).

I've also added ThreadClearance and ChiselClearance parameters.

  • ThreadClearance is applied to the opposing flanks of both the nut and bolt threads to make them function properly from most 3D printers. If you find that the nut fits the bolt too tightly or loosely from your printer, feel free to adjust that parameter as required.
  • ChiselClearance is added to each face of the chisel to make the printed cover slightly larger than the chisel's actual dimensions resulting in an easier fit. Feel free to adjust this (or set it to 0), if desired.


Probably best printed with PETG for flexibility/durability, but the prototype was printed in PLA and is being actively used.

It can be printed without supports. I have printed it both with and without a brim. I didn't find it necessary. Print with the open end down on the print bed.

I've had luck with the following print settings, but feel free to experiment (and post a Make and/or Comment if you have feedback):


  • Layer Height: 0.15mm (I'm sure you could go higher with this.)
  • Infill: 15%
  • Infill Type: Gyroid
  • Supports: None
  • Skirt: None (0 loops)

Retainer (Nut and Bolt)

  • Layer Height: 0.15mm (I'm sure you could go higher with this.)
  • Perimeters: 3
  • Infill: 30%*
  • Infill Type: Gyroid
  • Supports: None
  • Brim: None
  • Skirt: None (0 loops)
  • Ironing: All top surfaces (Optional, but I think it looks nice. I mean, hey, if the fishing is bad, at least your chisel cover looks slick.)

*I added a modifier in Prusa Slicer and did 100% infill in the shaft and threads of the bolt for durability.


Your spud's original cover is likely more flexible than PLA or PETG. There's a good chance this version won't last as long. Use at your own risk.

Other Models

This model is part of the still-small-but-growing Ultimate Ice Fishing Collection.


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
