Replacement MacBook Pro feet

My old 13inch MacBook pro started loosing it's feet.
updated July 22, 2020



My old 13inch MacBook pro started loosing it's feet. This model can be used to print a replacement with flex or PLA fillament which you can then glue in place.

Note: depending on which of the 4 corner you print for you might have to cut off a bit of the inner cylinder in the slicer. Some of the MacBook foot holes are not as deep as others.

Print instructions

If printing with flexible fillament, make sure you unscrew the spring screw.

Also you've got the right settings for your printer + fillament you want to use. This is a small piece so the settings need to be optimal, not an easy piece to callibrate your flex print settings with.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


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