This is a remix from
I designed this to take a WD passport portable HDD and have room for an Ice Tower cooler so the Pi stays cool when running RetroPie.
Parts needed:
Youll begin by mounting the Ice Cooler to the brass standoffs, follow the instructions in your Ice Tower kit.
Place the Pi onto the Join part, preferably the one with holes punched through (named "with holes"). Screw in the M2.5 screws from the bottom, into the brass standoffs. Mine were 16mm on hand so they stuck out a bit.
Youll then place the Pi Top part on, and route the wires through the main hole, this allows you to reach the Pins to power it. TRIPLE CHECK your pins plugged in location so you dont fry your Pi!
I then added double sided tape to hold the HDD in place securely.
Finally, screw it all together with the M3x12mm screws!
Pro tip, I drilled out the holes a bit with a 5/64 bit to get the screws started a bit easier!
I've uploaded the Fusion360 and STEP files if anyone wants to mod them further!
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.