I only wanted to print a few of these to see if it was useful for an idea I had in mind. The tolerances were too tight for my printer, so I redrew them in fusion 360 in single pieces so I could print just a few at a time. I do not have any problem with them sticking to the bed, so did not need the little snap off tabs. For my use, these did not need to be that strong, so I printed them at .2mm layer height & 20% infill. I ended up using the SingleLink_Mod_0_5mmGap.stl (0.5mm gap) for the link file as the original 0.15mm was way too tight for me. Perhaps if I used .1mm layer height, it would have been a closer tolerance, but that also takes considerably longer to print. I added a stl for .15, .25, .35 & .5mm gap to give a choice of tolerance. The Lock was also a little tight, so I included the modification with original tolerance & the tolerance I used. I also included a fusion 360 file for each of these to make it easier to modify.
Thanks to the author for the original design.
The author remixed this model.