My version of an LTT Bit storage holder for the 20mm bits that are available for the LTT Screwdriver.
This was a bit of a pain because I am terrible in Fusion360, but after many failed prints I was able to come up with something.
Personally if I wasn't lazy I would go back and adjust the InnerBoxBottomHeight parameters from 10mm to 12mm to match the Lid.
The fit is a little tight but no hinges have broken.
As you can see in the image because of the low profile I have flipped the latches so that it will still fit flush on a table.
I used 6x2mm magnets so that the Bits would not rattle, because of this it can also hold its weight on most magnetic things.
Printed in Atomic PETG Jet Black and Neon Orange.
There is lettering for the bits inside of the lid, but I will end up having to re-do them as they did not print well.
The author remixed this model.