Yubikey Cover

Protect your Yubikey with a compact, flip-out cover
updated January 3, 2023



Also fits the Feitan security key. A bit loose, so the key doesn't really sit tight and easily falls open. For my use case though that isn't an issue. (edited)

Quick and simple print, with a perfect fit! For anyone wondering (like I was) what holds it together, there's a small nub on the inside that fits in the keyring hole to hold it in place

I was looking for a simple cover for my Yubikey and it is perfect
Fast to print and fit perfectly to hold the yubikey

Printer with PLA

Yubikey 5C does not fit very well.. But I like the design and will try to adjust it for nex time.. :)

Too thin for the USB-C version!
But the model is cool.

Simply perfect. Already printed several times. This time with logo. It looks great.
Thank you very much for sharing. (edited)

First two failed because it came off the board at the top of the loop. Added a brim and it made it past the last hickup.

very nice indentation to keep the yubikey in place! (edited)

The hole did not fit my keychain so I had to drill a small amount of plastic out to make it fit. Other than that its good.

Nicely done, perfect fit. Printed with PLA.