Xiaomi wireless car charger flat dashboard mount

Dashboard mount for the Mi/Xiami wireless car charger. To be stuck on top of your dashboard with nano tape.
updated December 20, 2022




Couldn't get the included air-vent clamps to stay stuck so I designed a new ball mount to be stuck on top of your flat-ish dashboard.

The flat part is thin so you can easily bend it to the curve of your dashboard.

The included photo shows a previous version of this design. The included files included a 17.5 deg bend to the left. UK peeps: mirror the design or change the design to your liking in Fusion.


I recommend to use nano tape instead of any glue based tape to stick it to your car. This tape doesn't use or leave any residue and can withstand high temperatures. 

Temperature warning

Also I don't recommend using this current design in PLA and in hot summers. Some months ago the arm proved to be too thin for the heat wave here, it bended slightly to the right. Probably better to use another material or strengthen the design.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
