I reward my children with unique play coins for good behavior and I needed a new larger denomination as they are good kids and the bank was running low on “funds”. I'm teaching the kids to save their coins rather than cash them in for candy and small toys. Anyway… I made the cookie coin for this purpose. It can have other uses too, that is for you to find. The other coins I've made didn't have a good hand feel so I wanted this coin to feel facier, to have a sense of value. I used 5/8's washers from home depot (canada). They are 45mm OD and 3mm thick. If you have access to get a solid circle of flat metal that would be better but washers are easier to acquire in my experience. I recommend using some CA glue so the coins don't rattle inside. I left a .2mm gap at the top if you use 2x 3mm washers, I tried with no gap and a perfect fit and it caused some weird warping of the bridging layer probably due to the way the washers absorb and radiate heat. I also tried a 1x washer version but I didn't like how it felt in my hand.
My children love this coin and I hope you will too!
The author remixed this model.