Star Trek: DS9/VOY - Holster for Boomerang Phaser - V1

This is a printable replica of the holsters made for the Boomerang Phaser featured in DS9, featuring facsimile Kydex!
updated December 18, 2022



This is a printable replica of the holsters that held the “Boomerang” Phasers in DS9, VOY, and the TNG films. It should snugly fit most phasers, but some modification might be required. I experimented with a printable Kydex pattern, the type of material used to make these holsters in the production, and I think it did alright. However, I've also been informed that the Cura “fuzzy skin” feature does a damn good job too, so I've included two versions.

"holster_custom_kydex.stl" features the Kydex pattern and is the one featured in my photos. This one required some significant modification to get it to fit my phaser. “holster_custom_new.stl” is a newer version without the Kydex pattern, but has a much wider nose and is much easier to slot the phaser in-and-out of. Both should hold a phaser snugly as long as you put some fabric inside to hold it in place, which was also something done by the production.

Build Notes:

  • This piece requires some TLC to get right. It heavily depends on where you got your phaser. It's proportions are based off a model on Thingiverse by Hydrate_or_Diedrate. You can use 
  • Once you've got the proportions right, you'll also want to line the inside of the holster with a soft material in black to protect the phaser from rubbing it's paint off.
  • On the shows, they used ALICE clips to clip the phaser to the costumes. You can find these at Military Surplus stores or online. You'll need to have a costume with a ring loop to hold a holster, and if you do, then you just need to hot-glue the ALICE clips to the back of the holster. I've never been able to successfully adhere a clip for long though… the texture makes it quite difficult to keep stuff attached to it.

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
