The Mr Hankey Happy Non-offensive Non-denominational Christmas Cookie Cutter

Hidey Ho Folks! Gosh you sure do smell all nice and flowery!
updated December 17, 2022



The Mr Hankey Happy Non-offensive Non-denominational Christmas Cookie Cutter!!


  "This is the one time of year we're supposed to forget all the bad stuff, to stop worrying and being sad about the state of the world and for just one day say, 'Aw, to heck with it! Let's sing and dance and bake cookies!'"  Mr Hankey


  Now you can celebrate your holidays this season with happy non-offensive non-denominational christmas cookies designed to delight children of all ages!  Whether those cookies are nutty, chocolate, nutty chocolate, or something else you can guarantee those cookies will bring all sorts of holiday cheer to your gathering.

See the source image

  And just imagine the wholesome family fun as the kids gather around the kitchen table to decorate their own Mr Hankey happy non-offensive non-denominational christmas cookies!

  Or use this recipe and create some festive Mr Hankey ornaments for the tree!


  No Supports, no fancy printing skills, you don't even need Christmas magic!  

  Unless your printer is not on your nice list this year, then maybe a little Christmas magic might help.


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