Snowglobe ornament with raindeer, christmas tree, snowman and empty for your design
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Created a ornament for your christmas tree, which you can place at your fairylight and it will illuminate the scene inside.
You can choose 5mm wall thickness or 1.6mm.
The design is done by me and the trees are my Blocky Christmas Tree Vase Mode. The only remixed models are the reindeers of Holiday Christmas Deer - Low Poly and Laying Christmas Deer - Low Poly from MaxT.
The second version is with my Cute Snowman 2 of 5.
The third version is with a tree group with a star.
I added a globe without the inner scene, that you can add your models inside ;-)
The hanger has a support which can be removed easy.
As you can see on the pictures, it worked great exceeding the antlers, where i had stringing which i could not remove with my heat fan because the antlers got weak.
I recommend to print the inside walls before the outside walls to get better results at overhanging areas and with low speed.
The print is made of PLA+ Shiney Silk Silizium Silver filament which looks really fine with the warm white fairy light and the blue tone on the main picture is from the camera flash…used it because it looks special ;-)
Would be happy to see your makes!
The author remixed this model.