I remember fondly playing Mage Knight back in the early 2000s, and realized it would be fun to homebrew some custom figures that could be compatible and used with them for ongoing fun, teaching my kids about a game that I poured tons of money and time into playing.
So, I made this.
The sticker svg I print on my k40 laser cutter on cardstock with a sticker backing. So long as the thickness is half a millimeter or less you should be fine.
For figurines to put on top of the base, maybe something custom from heroforge is a good fit? Or play with clay! Whatever catches your fancy.
The v2 pieces are the type where it's the top part with the model that is the insert and “spins” to reveal the new stats as it takes damage. I'm hoping in the next week to model some v3 pieces where it's the bottom that is the insert that spins (as used in the MechWarrior: Dark Age line for infantry units, as well as for Mage Knight mounts and MechWarrior vehicles where it would occupy two circles)
The v3 pieces are the type where the bottom part is what spins. – and therefore can more easily support larger pieces like mounts / lancers / vehicles in MechWarrior: Dark Age. However, unless I change the exposed bottom's style (the current lines on it match the original figures) it seems to print better upside down, which means the stub in the middle is the only bit that actually touches the bed, resulting in a lot of support for a very short distance. Unsure best print orientation, or if SLA printing would be better for them. Or if I should just change the bottom of the base to have a more printable style in that orientation.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.