Portal with RTX Weighted Storage Cube

This is my take on the Weighted Storage Cube from Portal with RTX
updated December 13, 2022



This is my take on the Weighted Storage Cube from Portal with RTX. It's 150mm x 150mm x 150mm or 5.9" x 5.9" x 5.9" in freedom units. There are a few things that can be improved like consolidating the inserts that make up the Aperture Science logo into one piece which I may do in the future.

Tools needed:

  1. Soldering iron + solder + shrink tube
  2. Hot glue gun
  3. Scissors or cutters
  4. Hookup wire


List of consumables for this build:


Parts to print:

  • 1 x Jig: This part is slightly thicker than the walls and is needed to glue the corners to the bottom at the correct distance. This is pretty important
  • 12 x Edge_Block: I got better results on these when printed with supports but they can be printed without as well
  • 1 x Bottom_1: This part has an extra hole for the power cable
  • 3 x Bottom_2
  • 1 x LED_Holder_Base
  • 1 x LED_Holder
  • 4 x Top
  • 8 x Wall_1: Print with 100% infill to prevent light bleeding through
  • 32 x Peg (Print extras. Trust me.)
  • 40 x Cap_Insert
  • 8 x Corner_1
  • 8 x Corner_2
  • 5 x Glow_1: Print these with supports
  • 1 x Glow_2: Print this with supports
  • 5 x Cap


Build Instruction:

  1. Assemble the eight corners using 4 x pegs as a guide. Go easy in application of glue to avoid squeeze out. Glue toward the inside of the corners
  2. Glue the top side using 4 x Top and 1 x Glow_1 parts
  3. Glue the bottom side using 1 x Bottom_1, 3 x Bottom_2, and 1 x Glow_2 parts
  4. Glue the corners to the bottom using the Jig to compensate for the wall thickness.
  5. 4 x Glue Glow_1 to Wall_1
  6. Glue the remaining 4 x Wall_1 to make the shell
  7. Place the Top side on top of the cube. Note that it will not fit from the bottom and must be in place before gluing the top corners
  8. Glue the four top corners to the cube
  9. 5 x Glue Cap_Inserts into the Cap
  10. Glue 5 x Cap and 8 x Edge_Block to cube
  11. Glue LED_Holder to LED_Holder_Base
  12. Attach fan and switch to bottom side
  13. Thread the 5.5mm female connector through the hole and solider positive to switch. Switch can be wired to the negative side as well.
  14. Solder the positive of the fan and a length of wire (this will make soldering LEDs easier) to the other leg of the switch. 
  15. Solder the negative of the fan and a length of wire (this will make soldering LEDs easier) to the negative of the female connector. Cover with shrink tube.
  16. Wrap 3-4 feet of LED strip around the LED_Holder.
  17. Apply hot glue to edges of LED strip because the adhesive strip it comes with will fail
  18. Cut off three LEDs and hot glue them to the top of LED_Holder. Using two more lengths of wire connect them to the end of the longer strip.
  19. Optional: Solder in another section of 3 LEDs and using hot glue stick them under the beam on top of the LED_Holder to shine down
  20. Time to test
  21. Place LED_Holder_base into the bottom side of the cube. Do not glue
  22. Solder the two previously left wires to the LEDs.
  23. Attach to power and turn flip the switch
  24. If everything works, lift the LED_Holder_base out of the cube, apply glue to legs and glue in place
  25. Place cube over the LEDs, on top of the bottom side. The corners may be a tight fit.
  26. Glue the remaining 4 x Edge_Block to the bottom side and not the rest of the cube so it can be opened in the future.
  27. Enjoy!


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


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