Simple Aspirin Box for Half(2) original foil-pack aspirin

All I have seen have been for naked pills and they degrade quickly outside of the foil pack so made one for 2 foil-packs
updated December 8, 2022



All aspirin boxes I have seen have been for exposed pills and those tend to degrade rather quickly outside of their foil-pack which exist for this very reason.

The thing is, a bare foil-pack will wear and degrade rather quickly when carried in a pocket so I made a box for 2 x original(Bayer) foil-pack aspirin so that they can be carried without needing frequent replacement due to wear on the pack

Printed as all walls(adjust your wall count to have the combined number of walls multiplied by line width come out as more than 2mm, I printed this at 0.5 line width and 4 layers on all walls+top/bottom at zero infill and 0.2 or less layer-height and it fits together with a easy friction fit, depending on your printer it may be necessary to increase the lid size by scaling it up slightly but for me they printed perfect as is.

Given the amount of people keeling over of late…. having a couple(one to chew, one to swallow) in your pocket even if you don't need the yourself may actually save someones life…….

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
