This is another remix of Sccuby's Star Wars - Death Star. I added the internal loop to the north (top) section of the Death Star to be able to use it as an ornament.
To do this, I brought into MeshLab do reduce the number of triangles in the top portion STL file to below 300k. TinkerCad requires under 300k or else does not allow import. TinkerCad then assumed the top half as a solid and I was able to make an internal revolve cut. I was unable to solidify the hollow STL previously in my typical CAD software, but Tinkecad did the trick. Fun lesson!
For ornament: The perfect size seems to be 50% scale of Sccuby's original size. Scale deathstar_north_1_obj_edit and deathstar_south_2 (1) to 50% and superglue the halves together. Hang with a thin line like fishing line. The Death Star that is hanging on my shelf is 50% scale for reference.
If you are interested in the Death Star design but not as an ornament, please see Sccuby's original post →
The author remixed this model.