Electricity Will Kill You Sign

Remember kids
3h 39m
1× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
44.00 g
updated June 13, 2023



Nice print. Printed with Prusa PLA and manual color changes

First attempt at multi color printing with Bambu Labs P1S with AMS. I was able to bring in .gcode file on my micro SD but was never prompted to change colors. I have all 3 colors loaded into the AMS. What am I doing wrong?

Printed with phosphoresent PLA, gotta love Reddy Kilowatt

Very fun, but I have some problems with stringing and I have already set the retraction to 1mm. Someone an idea how to solve this. I will definitely print a new one.

Really cool sign! I just scaled it down a bit, glued on some magnet's and used it as fridge magnet. Thanks for sharing your nice file :)

@CADGuy Thanks for sharing the make, turned out great! Glad you enjoyed it

First 2 filament print. Pla printed.

This made me laugh so, I had to make it!