MMU-compatible LED strip mount

A parameteric LED strip mount compatible with MMU and an alternative spool holder.
updated November 25, 2022



Prusa i3 LED strip mount

A LED strip mount compatible with MMU and an alternative spool holder.
Allows for any spacing between the mounting posts on the frame, since the
entire part holding the LED strip is a mounting point.

Quick build

The model here supports a 20 cm long, 10 mm wide LED strip, fastened with 2 x M2 bolts & nuts. If this sounds good to you, proceed with the quick build:

  1. Print 2 frame mounts and 1 strip mount from this model.
  2. Insert the hex nuts into the 2 frame mounts.
  3. Attach the frame mounts to your printer frame.
  4. Mount the strip mount to the frame mounts.
  5. Glue the LED strip to the strip mount.


You can customize this build to fit any length or width of a LED strip you have
laying around, as well as pick your own fastener. Head on over to GitHub and follow the instructions there.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
