Searching around on various sites, I couldn't find a y-axis mount for the Adafruit ADXL345 digital accelerometer ( Many only had mounting holes for M3, which doesn't work since the Adafruit ADXL345 uses M2.5. Additionally, lots of models have the wrong spacing for the mounting screws, or no space for the underside solder joints to not get crushed. Since I couldn't find one, i created one. I am by no-means an engineer or professional model maker, so its a rough one with only ‘ok’ tolerances and spacing. But it works.
Print the model and when it finishes, make sure the bed stays hot. You want this to remain stuck to the bed since your testing y-axis acceleration. The holes are slightly smaller than M2.5 to allow you to screw in the accelerometer to it using M2.5 screws. Screw it in, and run your Klipper code for the test. Worked great for me.
I used PLA, and that seemed to work fine. I recommend making the infill around 50-60% to make sure it is rigid and transferring the motion to the sensor effectively. Obviously this model is no replacement for solid hard-mounting of the accelerometer to the bed itself, but it will do.
I hope this helps someone, and let me know how it works for you, and have fun with Klipper!
Ps: If you want the model to be shorter than 11mm, just lower it past the build-plate in your slicer. I do not recommend scaling it, as it will change the depth of the spaces for the solder joints and other aspects of the model. Im sure there is a way to make this doable with scaling, but again: Not a professional modeler or engineer.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.