When I added the CR Touch mount to my H2 Revo, the distances were off. If I had it upside down, the probe sat well below the nozzle, but right side up, it was too high, and my nozzle crashed into the build plate. I played around with a few different combinations of nuts and washers until I found that 4.5mm was perfect for my setup, and made this spacer really quick so that it didn't look so janky with nuts and washers as spacers. I may remix the actual CR Touch mount to not need a spacer for my configuration, but until then, this works like a charm!
Printed in ASA for heat resistance and durability. Settings don't matter much, as it's just a spacer. So long as the holes line up, and it's the right thickness, you should be fine!
Disclaimer: Your printer may be (and likely is) different than mine, so it is up to you to figure out what your ideal spacing is, and scale the spacer accordingly! Double check your measurements before you trust someone else's work!
The author remixed this model.