Toyota Truck 00-06 Dimmer Knob

Dimmer switch knob for Toyota Tundra and Sequoia 00-006 models
updated November 23, 2022



This is a dimmer switch knob for 00-06 Toyota trucks that have a square dimmer switch post. The knob is slightly larger and has a more aggressive knurled edge so it can be easily manipulated with work gloves.  If you print knob face down, it will not need supports. NOTE:  I designed this to be printed in TPU so it would flex and fit snugly over the post.  If you print it in a harder filament, you may need to do some hand fitting and maybe add a screw through the side like you usually see on rheostat and potentiometer knobs.  The knob i remixed this from was designed to fit a round, rather than square shaft.  It is remixed from a model number 5455272 by knurbine on thingiverse.  I couldn't figure out how to add his version here since its not shown in printables.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
