I'm not the greatest of fans with the Creality series of printers with the attached filament holders but in an attempt to make the printer as stand-alone as possible, there is no other option. This spool holder attaches to the 3030 extrusions with the standard M5 slot nuts and bolts. The 8mm bolts will be fine, 10mm will be better. Also probably easier to use the drop-in nuts as well.
While I wouldn't plan to use this full time if better options are available, I've not noticed any major degradation in print quality with having a 1.5kg weight this high up the Z-Axis, but I'm sure there is probably more wobble than is needed. Probably print the Z-Axis stiffening brace as well??
Once printed the cap is screwed into place. Please note: it is a left-hand thread so it will not come undone as the filament unrolls. Assuming that you have the filament unwind from the side furthest from the printer.
The author remixed this model.