Heli Hanger for Hanging RC Helis and Planes on Honeycomb Storage Wall

I made a honeycomb storage wall attachment to hang my RC planes and helicopters.
4h 54m
2× print file
0.30 mm
0.40 mm
101.00 g
updated November 20, 2022



I hung all my planes directly to the ceiling (at least the big planes) but I had the little planes and the helicopters sitting on my shapeoko and getting in the way.  I wanted to just hang them to the ceiling, but I put a unit heater in the garage, and I was afraid it would blow them all over and not stay in place.  I had a small sliver of space on the wall under the unit heater, so I printed a honeycomb storage wall (thanks to rostap of course) (https://www.printables.com/model/152592-honeycomb-storage-wall) and off I went.

You have to print the M3 inserts and use M3 nuts and bolts from Rostap.  All attributions to their fine work sent their way, of course.  After that, bolt it up, stick it in, and hang it up.

There's also one for the VolantexRC planes, you can see them in the picture.  I just hung them from their one wheel.  Some of the helis are hung from the back of the skids, others from the front.  If they were small, I just did it from the back.

I just combined them all into one fusion file, sorry for the mess but it really comes down to what size you need based on the size of your heli.  I printed all of them in PLA.

I noticed one of the prints has the M3 Inserts from RostaP.  Those are their design and belong to them, so if they are not OK with me having them in my print files they can let me know and I will delete.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
