Laser Engraver Rotary Riser/Stabilizer (3D Printed or Laser Cut)

A Riser for Laser Machine Rotary - Available as 3D Printer Or Laser Cut Versions. Used with my xtool laser.
updated November 27, 2022



Laser Engraver Rotary Riser/Stabilizer

2 Options Available: (3D Printed or Laser Cut)

3D Printed Version:

Printed in PLA+

  • I used a .6mm Nozzle, however you can use a .4mm as well
  • With a .6mm Nozzle 2 Outer Walls. With a .4mm Nozzle 3 Outer Walls
  • Top & Bottom Layers: 4 
  • 20% Infill (Grid)
  • No Supports Required
  • Print each part separately to avoid stringing 
  • Orient printed parts as follows

Assembly as follows:

Requires 2x 608-RS Ball Bearing available on Amazon.

  2. Secure Both Ball Bearing to Arm. Heat up pegs slightly to allow bearings to slip on.
  3. Insert Arm with V slot oriented up into Shaft.
  4. Insert Threaded Portion of Shaft into Base thread and rotate until shaft opening is parallel to base front. It would be a good idea at this point to use some SuperGlue to secure shaft into base.
  5. Insert Screw into top of shaft and thread into arm.


Laser Cut Version:

(Used the X-Tool M1 To Cut. Job Time approx 1hr for cutting and 20min assembly)

Requires a 265x200mm (Approx 10.5in x 8") piece of 6.35mm (ΒΌ") Plywood

Hardware Required:

  • 2x 608-RS Ball Bearing available on Amazon.
  • 1x 5/16" x 4in Hex Head Bolt
  • 1x Matching Hex Nut
  • 1x Matching Washer (optional)

Cut Overview:


Assembly as follows:


  1. Press fit & use glue to insert/embed Nut into arm receiver
  2. Press fit & use glue to insert/embed Hex Bolt head into top knob piece
  3. For Ball Bearings: First insert pins into ball bearing prior to Glue up of arm
  4. Glue Up all parts as shown above.



If you download and use please like this model and upload a make picture.

Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
