I used a .6mm Nozzle, however you can use a .4mm as well
With a .6mm Nozzle 2 Outer Walls. With a .4mm Nozzle 3 Outer Walls
Top & Bottom Layers: 4
20% Infill (Grid)
No Supports Required
Print each part separately to avoid stringing
Orient printed parts as follows
Assembly as follows:
Requires 2x 608-RS Ball Bearing available on Amazon.
Secure Both Ball Bearing to Arm. Heat up pegs slightly to allow bearings to slip on.
Insert Arm with V slot oriented up into Shaft.
Insert Threaded Portion of Shaft into Base thread and rotate until shaft opening is parallel to base front. It would be a good idea at this point to use some SuperGlue to secure shaft into base.
Insert Screw into top of shaft and thread into arm.
Laser Cut Version:
(Used the X-Tool M1 To Cut. Job Time approx 1hr for cutting and 20min assembly)
Requires a 265x200mm (Approx 10.5in x 8") piece of 6.35mm (ΒΌ") Plywood
Hardware Required:
2x 608-RS Ball Bearing available on Amazon.
1x 5/16" x 4in Hex Head Bolt
1x Matching Hex Nut
1x Matching Washer (optional)
Cut Overview:
Assembly as follows:
Press fit & use glue to insert/embed Nut into arm receiver
Press fit & use glue to insert/embed Hex Bolt head into top knob piece
For Ball Bearings: First insert pins into ball bearing prior to Glue up of arm
Glue Up all parts as shown above.
If you download and use please like this model and upload a make picture. Thanks
Model origin
The author marked this model as their own original creation.