I took a model of Telesto, sliced it up so it fit on my Prusa MK3s+ and added peg inserts to hold it together. The pegs are missing from the file. You will need to measure and print your own so they fit snug in the slots. See the photo with the circles for a reference to all the pegs required, the one above the trigger goes in at an angle and doesn't initially look like a peg slot but trust me, you need that one for structural support.
The print just barely fits on the Prusa Mk3s+ print bed and the 3fm file has it rotated correctly. You need supports and you should be ready to clean supports for a while, there's a lot of internal ones. Print time was around ~110 hours across all the parts and it'll take about a roll and a half. I recommend 4 wall layers everywhere if you plan to sand.
Other materials used post print:
The initial Telesto model comes from Telesto Fusion Rifle from Destiny by LordCanti - Thingiverse (who got it from the game) all I did was cut it into printable chunks and add holes for interlocking pegs.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.