2023-04-13: Updated dimensions to be more accurate to the original size
I liked the original case I created last year, but it proved to be too fragile for my younger kids.
Enter version 2. I removed the hinges, and, instead, made it a sliding slot design. Shove it all the way in and it snaps in place while looking just like an old NES cartridge.
Good to hold 12 Switch cartridges
I have also added a plain tray if you would rather use the case for something else.
If you like this model, and would rather not print it yourself, please check out my store at https://www.etsy.com/shop/FlyingPurpleCow!
Supports are required for both pieces. I found, in Cura 4.5, disabling support interfaces helps a lot with removal.
The author remixed this model.