On large prints the head violently pulls on the spool as it makes travel moves. This cant be good for print quality. To fix this I placed the filament from the spool to the print head inside of a teflon tube so that the distance between the two is constant.
This mod uses only 3 easy printed parts and about 70 cm of 2mm ID / 4mm OD teflon tube (about 5 euro with delivery from ebay). The filament clip can be moved on the frame. The position of the clip is chosen to minimize the strain on the print head, almost no force on the print head is exerted this way.
With this mod, the spool turns slowly and gently, without sudden jerks.
EDIT: Added V2 design files where the teflon tube can be easier disconnected at the print head.
I printed mine in ASA, but PLA and PETG would also work. The default position in slicer works fine, no supports are needed. Consider using 5mm brim when printing, mainly for the tube connector.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.