While it has been a faithful companion, your Companion Cube cannot accompany you through the rest of the test. If it could talk - and the Enrichment Center takes this opportunity to remind you that it cannot - it would tell you to go on without it because it would rather die in a fire than become a burden to you
This is a life sized model of the companion cube from Portal 1 and Portal 2. This is a very large (and heavy) project and I would not recommend it for the feint of heart. Overall its 635mm^3 (25in^3). Based on my slicer estimates I used 15580.48g of PLA to print all the parts.
This model specifically has been made for large format 3D printers. I printed mine on a Voron 2.4 350 but it can be done with a 300mm^3 build volume. I will post versions meant for smaller format printers when I have time to slice them up and I will put the links in this description.
With this version specifically, no seams will have to be filled as they will be hidden by the overlapping parts. However, The hearts and the pink lines on the panels are not sliced up in a way which would allow for printing all the parts in their intended color. If this is requested enough I will make additional parts so it can be done.
Hardware (optional):
You will also need the following hardware if you would like to be able to take the cube apart for transport:
96 m5 heat set inserts
80 m5x16mm bolts
16 m5x10mm bolts for the corner braces (highly recommended) and the side braces (optional) around the top of the cube.
Hardware Installation:
Four of the corners will have 3 heat set inserts installed and four of them will only have 1 heat set insert installed. the ones with only one heat set insert will be attached to the panel acting as the lid. 8 of the sides will have four heat set inserts installed and four will only have 2 installed on one face which will also be attached to the panel acting as the lid for assembly. 4 heat set inserts will be installed on all of the heart pieces.
Panel Assembly:
To assemble the six panels use 12 bow tie panel pins and glue. the layout for the four types of panel pieces is as follows:
The most important thing is that the A and B pieces and the C and D pieces are diagonal from
each other.
If there is any confusion with assembly please let me know and I will try to be of assistance!
Print Settings:
Support: Only panel parts C and D need supports
Infill: 10% I used grid but you can use whatever infill you prefer
Perimeters: 4
Top/Bottom Layers: 5
Layer Height: .2 but you can use whatever you would like
The author marked this model as their own original creation.