Enlarged Pokeball Version of the Pokebox Card Holder. Can fit over 100 Dragon Shield Sleeved Magic The Gathering Cards.
updated November 4, 2022



So way back in the day I found the Pokebox Switch case by 3D Printing World (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3474587) and I remixed the top of that case to be an Ultra Ball. The BEST Pokeball. More recently I found their version that same case, but it was hollowed out to hold cards! (https://thangs.com/designer/3dprintingworld/3d-model/Pokebox%20Card%20holder-28215) Since I'm a Commander player in Magic The Gathering, I needed a case that would hold at least 100 Dragon Sleeved cards and this one would not. To that end, I expanded the model pieces to fit my needs!

This is another version of the Pokeball deck box line I've been working on! Here we have the humble Pokeball! Print one of everything in this list and you should be good to go! I printed things at .2 resolution and 10% gyroid infill. You'll need to source a spring for the button. I just sacrificed old pens to get what I needed and cut the springs to size. These boxes will hold a 100 card Dragon Shield sleeved MTG deck with room for tokens. Or whatever else you want to put in it! Rocks. Buttons. Coins. Batteries. Idk I'm here to judge or yuck yums. Print these and go nuts! Just don't super glue fingers together like I did while assembling these...


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