This one is actually a highly changed remix of another model but the original model is not available in printables so I can not add the original one. There is a .skp (sketchup) file so feel free to create your own remixes and please do not forget to post your own makes.
I am using Raspberry Pi model 3 A+ but you can use other models as well. (Since there is a raspberry pi shortage I am not able to find any other one)
It is a straight forward thing. You will be needed a short micro usb cable and should recommend to cover the power line of the cable otherwise it will power up the main board of the printer. other hardware is listed bellow.
There are two bolt openings which you can attach the bottom case to the main frame of the printer.
I used an old GPU fan for the build and powered it from the 5V power supply of the raspberry GPIO pins so it might be controllable through the octopi interface in the future for my setup.
I am currently using the back on/off switch as an emergency main power switch and powering the printer with the front switch.
Using 12V LEDs through buck converter.
Buy me a beer
MicroSD to SD Card adapter
Buck Converter
Led Strips
Toggle Switch
Buy me a beer
The user re-uploaded this model. The user is not the original author of the model.