as i have previously written i have made a cabinet knob that is enlarged version of the knob from prusa i3 MK3S+ and spins creating ratcheting sounds.
the Knob can be mounted with a m4 bolt.
i printed the thing in PLA, i am not sure how other filaments will work with the spring.
you may also want to squish the spring for a while to make it a bit softer so it would not break inside the assembled knob.
i originally made a regular spinning knob but then figured i could make it the lcd knob.
you will figure it out, but if not:
you put the ratchet into the main knob part, then you put the lid on top of it all and glue it to the main part.
screwing the part in may be tricky since it rotates, but i belive in you.
i have updated the ratchet twice, first i made it symetrical, so rotating in both directions would feel the same, and the second time i have shortened the springs so (hopefully) they would not break inside of the thing.
if you have some problems with the model you can tell it to me so i could improve the model.
The author remixed this model.