Reindeer LED Rope Light Decoration

Push fit LED Rope Light Reindeer decoration
updated December 10, 2022



Now updated to V2 for considerably easier fit!


Originally inspired by bigclivedotcom's neon shapes video - 

Helpfully created using ksjh's LEDneon OpenSCAD script -


Designed to fit a standard Ender 3 / Mk3S print bed (up to 200x200). I recommend printing these with a 0.8 nozzle for speed and strength. Able to be printed in PLA, LED's do get lukewarm to touch but no where near hot enough to melt PLA. 

The uploaded model was created using a slot width of 6mm, a height of 11mm and a floor height of 1.2 (3 layers of 0.4mm layer height / 6 layers of 0.2mm layer height). This version has a wall width of 1.2 (double perimeter of a 0.6 nozzle, triple perimeter of a 0.4 nozzle) 

DO NOT RESIZE IN SLICER - it will throw the dimensions out. You will need to change the size of the SVG (I recommend Inkscape) and then recreate the STL using SCAD. 

To change these settings you will need to use ksjh's code (download the whole zip, change your dimensions in neon-dimension.scad and then run line-tracing-svg.scad with the uploaded Reindeer.svg)


The V1 model is VERY tight for most types of rope. I highly recommend putting the LED's on the outside but the tight radii can easily break solder joints. For easier starting shapes, see my other shapes below


I purchased the LED Rope light on Ebay and hand soldered connectors. You will need a 12V DC 1A power adapter. If you're in the UK I recommend 3DQF Filament


Please also see my Snowflake and Christmas Tree and Stocking and Present/Gift and Candy Cane and Gingerbread Man 


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
