Locomotiva Faur LDH 18 la scara TT.

Faur LDH 18 locomotive
updated November 1, 2022



Locomotiva Faur LDH 18, zisa si clasa 88 a fost produsa in peste 100 de exemplare la fabrica Faur (Malaxa) din Bucuresti.
Acum orice modelist din Romania si-o va putea tipari 3D la o imprimanta cu rasina. Pentru asamblare va mai trebuie un motor N20, 2 suruburi si piulite M2, LED-uri albe SMD prelipite, contacte pentru preluarea tensiuni din rotile metalice.
Printarea pentru uz propriu este gratuita. Daca doriti sa comercializati aceasta reproducere sau derivate ale ei va rog sa ma contactati la rhnegativ@yahoo.com
The Faur LDH 18 locomotive, also called class 88, was produced in over 100 copies at the Faur factory (Malaxa) in Bucharest.
Now any train enthuziast in Romania will be able to 3D print it on a resin printer. For assembly, you will also need an N20 motor, 2 M2 screws and nuts, glued SMD white LEDs, contacts for picking up voltage from the metal wheels.
Printing for personal use is free. If you want to sell this reproduction or its derivatives, please contact me at rhnegativ@yahoo.com


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
